
Mandatory eBay Item Specifics coming in May 2021 - MerchantSpring

Written by James Dihardjo | Mar 5, 2021 1:00:00 PM

Did you know item specifics have the ability to increase the discoverability of your listings within eBay and on external search engines?

The more complete the item specifics are, the better the eBay search engine can match your item to what the buyer is searching for!

FUN FACT: Item Specifics work is painful, so if you are time poor like everyone else and need a tool to speed up completion - Check out Item Specifics Editor HERE.

So what categories are in scope for the May 2021 release?

Listings in the categories below will have NEW mandatory item specifics in the below as of May 2021 for all new, relisted, and revised listings.

  • Clothing, Shoes, & Accessories
  • Collectibles
  • Media
  • Musical Instruments
  • Parts & Accessories
  • Sporting Goods

Previously released item specifics are here:

February 2021

  • Business & Industrial
  • Clothes, Shoes & Accessories
  • Health & Beauty
  • Home & Garden
  • Musical Instruments
  • Sporting Goods


  • Coins & Paper Money
  • Business & Industrial
  • Electronics
  • Home & Garden Summer
  • Home & Garden Winter
  • Sporting Goods
  • Watches


  • Collectibles and Media & Gift Cards
  • Fashion
  • Home & Garden
  • Toys

Note, if you do not complete mandatory item specifics, your listings will be at risk of being blocked and you may not be able to revise your listings. MerchantSpring encourages all sellers to add as many Recommended item specifics as they can.

Dont believe us?

See what two of America's leading eBay Item Specifics experts have to say...

Dave Snyder: Founder, List Rank Sell

"Complete and accurate item specifics are a key component of preventing 'listing displacement' -- the phenomenon in which a seller's product listings disappear from eBay search results entirely."

Kathy Terrill: Founder, I love to be selling

"Complete and accurate item specifics  are crucial in order for eBay listings to rank well and index correctly — not only in eBay's search,  but also with Google!"

Don't know what we are talking about? Check out our comprehensive guide to item specifics HERE.

Need a tool to speed up your item specifics completion? Check out our Item Specifics Editor HERE.